Case studies

Read case studies from students studying with luna holistics offering a wide variety of genuine feedback and holistic treatments of clients

man having swedish massage

Swedish full body Massage

Swedish Massage for Male with stress relief Case study Example The Client has a very stressful job and relaxation and stress relief is one of the main reasons for requiring a Swedish Massage. He has also complained of tight shoulders, neck and Achilles tendon and knees on both her left and right side. Initial Consultation …

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Using Crystals for Heat attack Client

How Crystal Healing treatment can benefit after Heart attack Example student case study Client History: Client, 81 years old mother to three children Grandmother to 8 Grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren all living in Australia. Client presented with symptoms of stress having a heart attack approx… 2 weeks earlier and spending 1 week in hospital …

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angel healing

Angel healing case study for grief

Using Angel Therapy for Grief Case study Example of Angel Therapy Treatment We have many students whom complete their case studies with confidence and compassion, however this particular case study is exceptional and I feel this could offer help to others whom may be suffering from the loss of someone dear and can see how an …

Angel healing case study for grief Read More »

talking therapy

Holistic Counselling Consultation

Holistic Counselling Session Traditional talk therapy – Case Study Preparation for client consultation To offer this holistic counselling session I prepared the room beforehand, making sure the temperature was good, I lit some scented candles and had music on the in the background, but very low so as to not distract either myself or Client.

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