
Hopi Ear Candling Case Study

EXAMPLE CASE STUDY Details of treatment Before the client arrives the room is prepared.  This is achieved by ensuring the lighting is relaxing, room candles are lit and the room temperature is at a comfortable temperature.  I ensure that I have everything that I need, candles, glass for putting out candles and consultation form.   When the …

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What Dreams are you having?

TYPES OF DREAMSDaydreamsStudies show that we all have the tendency todaydream an average of 70-120 minutes a day. Day dreaming is classified as a level of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness. It occurs during our waking hours when we let our imagination carry us away. As our mindsbegin to wander and our level of awareness decreases, we lose ourselves …

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Chakra & Aura Healing Case Study

Details of treatment Client suffers from anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. He also has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS. After an initial talk about his symptoms and completing the treatment card, I decided to use the pendulum to assess Client’s Chakras to check for negative energies and blockages. I did this by asking Client to lie …

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Crown Chakra – 7TH

Colour: Violet, also white and gold Symbols: 1000 petalled lotus Associated Part of the body:Cerebrum Astrological signs and planets:Capricorn/Saturn; Pisces/Neptune. Purpose and Function of 7th ChakraThe crown charka glows in all colours but  the predominant colour is Violet.  and is often represented as hovering just above the head. The outer blossom of this chakra has 960 petals. Inside …

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Hot Stone Massage Treatment – Case Study

Case study of: (client age 53) Date:  (29 july 2014) Time started:    6pm                                  Time finished: 7.10pm Details of treatment Ensuring my treatment room was ready for my client and my personal hygine I burned some oils of lavender and geranium in my oil burner to set the tone and relax the client . I greeted …

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