Case studies

Read case studies from students studying with luna holistics offering a wide variety of genuine feedback and holistic treatments of clients

advanced aromatherapy course, couple having massage

Aromatherapy Massage and benefits

Case study of Aromatherapy Massage and the benefits This is a genuine case study from one of our students whom is practising to become a professional certified therapist.ย  All our students once they have completed their course work and exams are eligible to join the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine if wishing to work as …

Aromatherapy Massage and benefits

Overcoming negative self talk – Life coaching

  Life coaching session for negative self talk Details of Consultation: I began the session by thanking Client for coming along and taking part in my case study for life coaching. I explained exactly what my role as a life coach was and walked her through the various tools we would be using today. I …

Overcoming negative self talk – Life coaching

sleeping baby having bach flower remedies

Using Kinesiology & Bach Flower Remedies on babies

FLOWER ESSENCE REMEDIES Case Study for help with baby using kinesiology and Bachย flower remedies Kinesiology treatment using Bach Flower Remedies to find and address the emotional imbalances that can be the underlying cause of a condition. ย  ย  I had the honor and privilege to work on a 6 month-old baby and I am grateful …

Using Kinesiology & Bach Flower Remedies on babies Read More ยป

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