colour therapy


How to use Mandalas for Meditation & Healing

Using Mandalas And Color in Healing and Meditation   Mandalas have gained in popularity over the last 10 years thanks to the revival of coloring books of adults in which they feature quite heavily. The coloring books are popular as a tool for mindfulness and so it makes sense that mandalas would be included. However, …

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Why is green known as the colour of healing

Green – How this colour effects you The Colour Green has been associated with money, finances &  banking and also ambition, greed and of course jealousy. But this colour has many qualities and especially where healing is concerned. Learn how the colour green can effect you 

blue rose for chormotherapy

Chromotherapy & Colour Affirmations Case Study

Chromotherapy case study Treatment Card: Completed Physical Ailment: Anaemia Chosen course of treatment: Chromotherapy with Colour Affirmations and Meditations Pre-Session Consultation: Client arrived on time and completely dressed in Blue. She even chose to sit in the chair that was predominantly Blue during our consultation. This gave me the feeling of someone clinging to a …

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colour therapy chart

Using Colour Therapy

COLOUR THERAPY CASE STUDY This client has multiple health issues including PTSD, Diabetes, severe depression, Hypothyroidism, bad bones and joints, food allergies, and gastric issues. He suffers from lack of sleep due to night terrors and has Sleep Apnea.

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