Massage is suitable for everyone and has the following beneficial results.
- improves circulation
- calms the nervous system
- stimulates and tones skin
- improves muscle tone
- eases aches and pains in muscles and joints
- helps ease fluid retention
It is also possible to use the following massage techniques on the aura. This is an energetically effective and suitable for broken or bruised skin.
1 clear quartz massage wand
- Smooth a carrier oil of your choice onto your body to help the crystal glide easily over your skin. Carrier oils such as sweet almond, apricot or grapeseed or jojoba are all suitable.
- Use the crystal to massage your body using small circular clockwise movements. You may wish to massage your whole body, or just areas that you are having problems with. Experiment with the amount of pressure you apply, making sure it always feels comfortable.
- Adding a few drops of gem essence or essential oil to the carrier oil will make it even more effective. Citrine can help to rid the body of toxins and cellulite. Patchouli, juniper berry and sweet orange are also detoxifying essential oils.
- Massage is a very safe technique, but there are times and conditions when it should be avoided. often this just means avoiding a body area, but use your common sense. Do not use massage just after eating a heavy meal; a person with a raised temperature; any infected area, swelling or inflammation, or an area where varicose veins are present or bruised or broken skin.
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