Why Study Feng Shui?


We have many students worldwide whom have studied our Feng Shui diploma course and below is what one of our students had to say about the dramatic changes that had occurred since implementing Feng Shui principles in her home. 

Feng Shui
I have enjoyed this course very much, my own home is looking and feeling much better as is my daughter’s whom I did this case study for.  

My daughter (whom I did my case study for/on) is far more positive and loves the look of her bedroom in particular and the other suggestions/remedies and enhancements I have made and suggested for other areas.  She intends to implement these asap.  

Her own daughter is now back happily sleeping in her own room, allowing mum great relief, better sleeps and her own space and also enjoying her own better sleeps and ‘own space’.

I have personally (along with my husband) already seen the results from Feng Shui in my own home by de-cluttering, cleaning and activating the Front Door, East area, North West area, North area’s in particular.  

We and our son were having a lot of financial difficulty/problems – people delaying payments and indicating they could not pay us or our son at all and people not willing to help/listen or seem to care at all, we were all very worried wondering how he and we were going to make his/our own payments etc.

Not long after beginning this course and putting it into practice in my own home and also doing further research into the Annual Flying Stars etc.  my son received payment at a critical time (just in time to pay a major payment) and also was brave and stipulated that any further payments were to be made ‘up front’ before any work was done, this was accepted and agreed upon much to our delight and surprise. 

Companies here can delay payments legally for 30 – 90 days and never usually agree to pay ‘up front’.  However, there was still a matter of them owing my sons business other payments along with another Business/Company in financial debt owing him money too.  

In only 2 – 4 weeks he has been paid by both Companies, is receiving payments for services ‘up front’ (from one Company) and we all have been able to breathe a lot easier knowing his payments can be made and are currently up to date.

My husband (who works for our son) was having difficulty with many things regarding owed monies, people who seemed to not care about it or willing to help him in any way.

In two days last week, after tweaking the ‘Helpful people/Mentors’ corner, 2 people came forward and offered to help him out (a day apart) and someone we thought would definitely Not do the right thing in a business decision/agreement, came through at the last minute and did do the right thing. 

These and other things seemed to happen immediately after very long and very worrying delays (prior to me deciding to Feng Shui our lives and homes) causing a lot of stress for us all.  It is very nice to have some relief.

My own home/house feels and looks beautiful, if I could not or cannot activate the actual area of the Bagua I have been activating that area of my living room.

We were also working away for quite some time so it is taking a while but I am getting there and results are beginning to show, I am very excited about this.  

I am still working on my own home as it is rather large and was extremely cluttered (and it is a very problematic house – rough beams, rough brickwork, extra high ceilings with the beams etc).  It’s very difficult for me as I am only 5 ft 1 inch tall, Lol!  
Teresa Seed – Western Australia

If you would like to bring the benefits of Feng Shui to your home, business or even pep up your love life then this course can be downloaded immediately. 

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