meditation on a full moon

Four things to do on a full moon

What should you do Every Full Moon?

Full moons have been associated with many magical and wonderful things as well as some pretty insane and disturbing ideas. However I am concentrating on some positive things you can do this full moon and for every full moon throughout the year.

All the tips offered here are helpful to do on a full moon regardless of the month but some bring more powerful results on certain full moons during the year.

Tip 1: CHARGE YOUR CRYSTALS – As always we recommend this, especially for those of you working with crystals. Your crystals respond well when charged under a full moon.

Tip 2: MEDITATE– Skilled and regular students of meditation feel some form of energy release to our planet during the full moon. A full moon offers the greatest of opportunities when meditating especially as part of a group. Positive energies of light and love are always available but especially at this time and to those who can contact them during a meditation. This is an excellent time, therefore to channel positive energies and you will find this can be uniquely effective.  A full moon is also a good time to release negative energies.

Tip 3: CAST A SPELL – This full moon why not make a dream come true and try your luck at spell casting. If you are looking to attract some extra cash why not try this quick and powerful spell.  First  prepare your space.  Ensure you will not be disturbed and turn your phone off. You should also prepare the following:

Ingredients: A green Candle – Incense – A Bay leaf – A marker pen – A lighter or matches

Instructions: Light a candle and burn some incense. Write the amount of money you need or want on the bay leaf with the marker pen. Now you must sit in a quiet space and visualize the money coming your way.

Visualize – When you are asking the universe to send this to you,be specific and state a time frame. So for example you could say something like I  would like a pay rise within the next 3 months or I would like an extra £300 by (state time frame)   and visualize what you use this extra money for. Really imagine this and even get excited with the feeling you will get when you receive the money you have asked for. The longer you spend on this part the better.

Complete the spell – As you are visualizing burn the bay leaf and consider your spell cast. For more spells visit  Wiccan spells

Tip 4. COMPLETE A FULL MOON WATER RITUAL – Making Crystal Water under the Full Moon was an ancient ritual and something completed by both men and women. This moon water once made was said to imbibe amazing powers when used.

Once made you can use it for blessing, healing, spells, balancing your chakras etc.  You can now purchase special bottles with the crystals already in place for you to re-use and get all the benefits of drinking energized crystal water.

January Full MoonWolf Moon – find out which crystals you should carry at this time?

June Full Moon – also known as a Strawberry Moon and Supermoon

August Full moon –  Blue Moon – The Moon with Jupiter is a sign of happiness, good fortune, and success.

November full moon  – also signals the time when bitter hard frost’s become more frequent, this month’s moon is also sometimes called the Frost Moon as well as the Beavers Moon.

You may also like to read – Why you should charge your Crystals on a Full Moon




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