Understanding which products to buy?
Well having made quite a few mistakes within my first few weeks of trying to be vegan such as not carefully reading labels…. really difficult when you have to cope with tiny squidgy writing on labels and trying to A – understand what they actually mean and B – remembering not to forget your glasses when out shopping.
Unsuitable productsÂ
I have found many products which in my ignorance assumed was Ok as they had statements such as Gluton Free, and suitable for vegetarians etc… I as many of us do are mislead by intentional misleading labels. How many times have you seen things that say zero sugar, or low fat, low salt, gluten free, healthy options – blahhh blahhh only to find they are not only not healthy they are worse than products that make no claims whatsoever. It really is a minefield out there and to be honest shopping as a vegan is becoming quite a strain on my eyes. (however I have been informed that even eyesight can improve on a plant based diet) but until then my glasses are getting a lot of wear.
What do the logos actually mean?
This one has had me slightly baffled and still does to be honest as at first if I saw anything with a V, I assumed it was OK. However the vegetarian symbol and the vegan symbol are quite similar when scanning packages, so I did make quite a few errors by purchasing products that I thought was suitable for vegans but actually contained dairy and cheese and was aimed at the vegetarian market. I am slowly coming to grips with the fact that it if you want a vegan product it actually does have to say the words Vegan and not just show a letter v. However this may not always be the case, there are I am sure many products which are suitable for vegans with no signs on but until I can get my head round all this I am sticking to things that state Vegan.
So what have I been eating?
Well below are just a couple of examples of some food I have eaten however some are not actually vegan but vegetarian. For instance quorn chicken keiv (ready made) although very delicious does include garlic butter but this not going to go to waste however I will be working on how to make a vegan friendly version. I have been having plenty of veg and lentil homemade soups which are filling and keep me satisfied until dinner time.
Wholewheat Noodles and coconut milk – simply stir-fried with some fresh veg and chilli and garlic and some coconut milk to coat
Jacket potato – topped with a chilli beans and vegan cheese
Homemade soups – Lots of these which really do keep you full until dinner time. Spinach, broccoli and coli-flour with lentils to thicken up and vegetable stock.
Ok nothing really exciting there but have now gone through my first Christmas trying to be vegan I am pleased to report that I am now a stone lighter since starting this in November 2017 and can clearly state that I now have no hip pain at all, and all menopausal symptoms gone.
Whats veganjanuary?
Well we have all heard of going without alcohol for the month of January but how about trying a month going vegan. Its a great way to start the new year and after a month you will certainly have lost those extra pounds and be feeling great.
I am visiting a vegan fayre this weekend so hopefully will pick up some ideas and try and make a bit more effort to become vegan. Will you keep you posted…
see vegan course offer
Also read trying to be vegan the first few weeks