sleeping tips

How Often Should You Get a Massage?

For many many years now, relaxation days have been synonymous with trips to the spa, in combination with many other pampering activities such as getting a blow dry, facial, manicure and pedicure, and it’s a no brainer why this is the case. After all, massages provide a lot of well-documented and thoroughly studied benefits.

sleeping lady

How Massage Therapy Helps You Sleep Better at Night

Tips for a better nights sleep   An overwhelming number of Americans experience some type of sleep disorder – try between 50 and 70 million, according to the American Sleep Association. And 7 out of 10 Americans experience some type of sleep disturbance due to daily anxiety and stress. Massage therapy until recently has been …

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4 Natural Remedies to Sleep

Best Sleep Remedies More than a third of American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis according to a study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC). See our sleep tips: Sleep Deprivation, in the short term, can negatively impact our mood, judgement, and ability to learn and retain …

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